Where Is Suri?


Friday, June 30, 2006

Would anyone really be surprised?

Suddenly Susan looks like a celebrebabynapper.
Like that one?
I made that word up all by myself.

Helicopter Searches Continue for Suri Cruise in Detroit

Tornado here.
Folks, I have been to Detroit. For a nearly a week. And, I think its safe to say that Suri is not there. I looked. Oh, yes. I looked downtown by the river and Joe Louis Arena. I peeked into the People Mover...

Frankly, I have a sneaking suspiction she was there and then moved, though. Jimmy Hoffa = Suri Cruise. Think about it.

Heartbreak Hotel

Juni, Juni, Juni -- I gotta tell you: there's no babies at Graceland, son.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sometimes a Baby is Just a Baby

Zee babee eez merely zee sublimation of unconscious, negative desire.

Therefore, there eez no babee.

No, She's Not Under the Right One

Thanks, but no thanks

Seriously Rush, you perv, don't you think Jack Bauer would have found Suri by now if she were hiding in there?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Tokyo Decadence

With the aid of 21st Century uber-director J.J. Abrams, Tom Cruise announced his plans today to do whatever it takes to shut down Tokyo for a week in order to
search underneath every car for Baby Suri
film a chase scene there for Mi:IV.

Wait, what? Mission Impossible 4???
Will it ever end?
Only Suri knows.

The Kid Is Not My Son

No baby here.

Or kid of any age, for that matter.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Am...Doll Parts

Cruisey-Cruise's and Ol' Crooked-Mouth's kid?

Eff you, douche.

There's no baby here.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Mission Fait Accompli

Agents KSan and Mego are recuperating and debriefing from top-secret Operation Desert Baby. Effen Black Cherry was replaced with copious amounts of Grey Goose in the form of Black Martinis, and HQ (known to civilians as TI) was fully stocked with requisite marble, cheesy lip-synch/skimpy bikini costume show ("The Sirens of TI") and Cheeto Puffs and Oriental Mix issued at Zero-Four Hundred hours. Full report forthcoming.

...I mean, yeah, of course we totally looked for the baby in Vegas.

Traffic Stopper

Las Vegas, NV. - Late yesterday. Suri Cruise was spotted in a stalled car in the middle of Tropicana Avenue. Smoking a cigar and lounging with her bare feet hanging out of the driver's side window she was heard to have said "Well, as long as I can keep KSan from making her flight 45 minutes in advanced, my work here is done."

Shortly thereafter she was spotted being beamed into the sky, enveloped in a shining shaft of light.
Space mission accomplished baby?

You're Money Baby!

"TomKat went to the celebrity weeklies just like Brangelina did, and tired to auction off the a photo shoot to the highest bidder. An offer was given in the amount of $3 million (Shiloh's photo received $4 million), and Tom Cruise thought that amount was too low, so the offer was rescinded."

Friday, June 23, 2006

MMMM babies! - better than protein shakes!

Maybe Carrot Top ate little Suri in his attempt to become some kind of pumped up transvestite ??

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Field Reporting

Mego and KSan are off to Las Vegas to do some actual searching.

We hear the kid is a fan of the loose slots.
Wheel Of Fortune is totally the way to go!

Our intrepid celebaby hunters promise updates whenever possible between Effen Cherry Vodka cocktails.

I Knew I Should Have Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

A baby??

"Please take care of our Suri"

Aww, ain't she cute?

Say, that kid's got a temper, don't she?

Criminy! That's no kid at all!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Babies: So NOT Hott

Gahd, who let a baby into Hyde?

...Oh. It's Nicole.

Not Even Allah Knows Where

Sir! We only found Hussein down in the hole, Sir!

No babies, Sir!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Well, Elaine had to be right some time...

Maybe the dingo ate your baby.

Is that a baby in your pocket...

Or stapled to your leg?
Maybe we should ask that twee cloud guy if he's seen Suri.


Pitt, Jolie plan to adopt more children...
I wouldn't put it past Joseph and Mary to have absconded, er, adopted Suri.


J: Let me check around for a baby back there.

J: Mrghaaggh

"Is there a baby up here Victoria?"

"No, maybe she swam out to sea."

King, You're Fired!

Whaddya mean, baby?

There's no baby up there!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Meanwhile, In Union Station...




Orange Alert - Grand Central Station

"Honey, did you just see a baby running for a train?"

"A baby what?"

Maybe?? Is she being bottle fed?

I'll Be Right Here

...mmmm nope, not here.

Did Anyone Check Here?

I mean, didn't Brit Spears sell her underpants or something? Surely, selling a little tiny celebaby isn't that far fetched...

Do I Gotta Get Somebody Whacked to Find This Damn Kid?

Suri "has lots and lots of dark hair and big, blue eyes," says a source close to Holmes's family.

"She's going to be a beautiful baby."

Have you guys seen a baby around here?

What do you mean "Try Namibia?"

Give it up furball - Where's the kid?

If my llama and I went to the dentist today would there be a Baby Suri stuck between his teeth?